Ind'o Brasil
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50gr per pak
45 CM, 55 CM
613 = Creamy blond, T8-P8A-1001 = Almond Blond, 1 = Vantablack, 1A = Brownee, 1B = Darkcoffee, 2 = Chocolate, 2A = Mattechoco, 3 = Darkcaramel, 010B-20B = ashy golden rush, 1001 = Ice blond, 1001A = Ice Pearl, 10B = Darksand, 11 = Greybee, 12 = Honeybee, 14B = Dirtyblond, 16B = Creamy blond, 170 = Rose brown, 18 = Goldieblond, 18B = Beige blond, 18C = Blondiegrey, 20B = Cocoblond, 4 = Chestnut, 5 = Hazel, 5B = Ashy sand, 6 = Amarreto, 6B = Ashy desert, 7 = Light caramel, 8 = Beigetree, 30 = Pumpkin spice, 530 = Reddishhead, 60B = Ashyblond, DU = Darklightu, Grey, HB = Highlichtbrown, ice grey, M4/613 = Vanilla cream, M6/60/1001 = Butter cream, M60-3 = Ashy Cendre, NC = Americano, P12/16/613 = Sun kissed blond, P18/613 = Champagne blond, P18A/3A = Biscuite blond, P24/613 = Camille blond, P9/613 = Blond ambition, RDB = Brown mist, RLC, SB = Stonerootbeige, Silver, T6P18K/60A = Marble brown, T8-P18/60 = Golden white mist
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